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Male Dragonborn Trooper - A


Welcome to our shop! 
All figures include 3 choices of Figure Base
BleedingViolin Studios is a fully licensed merchant for Velrock Art, all rights reserved.
All art and credit belong to the AMAZING Velrock Art! To see more of their amazing work, visit them at:
Thank you Velrock, for helping Shar's dream live on!!
Figures usually crafted and shipped within 48 hours.  Please allow more time for large orders.
Please allow time for the delivery speeds in your area. 
All models are printed with a resin mixture designed for detail, durability, and flexibility. 
All figures are printed and packaged in a sterile environment. 
Every effort has been made to protect you, the buyer, from any form of infection in this time of uncertainty. 
BleedingViolin Studios is a fully licensed merchant for Velrock Art , all rights reserved. To learn more about Shar Lightwing, and her story, I invite you to visit us at -
"Ooooooh... Barracuda...." 
  ~ Shar 
Velrock Art, WH40k, Warhammer, Warmachine, Role Playing, 



Male Dragonborn Trooper - A


    BleedingViolin Studios: Entertainment for the new Age. Art, Music, Literature, Gaming, Podcasting, YouTube, and so much more.


    © 2014 - 2024 BleedingViolin Studios.

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